If you have taken images at Church Functions that you would like included on the Gallery, please send them to fbugeja@ozemail.com.auImages should be unedited images (jpg) from your camera. Please include a commentary for your images.
As parishioners were initially prevented from attending Mass because of the closure of churches due to COVID19, livestreaming became the way for parishioners to participate in Mass in many of the parishes of the Diocese of Wollongong, including OLHC. To facilitate livestreaming at OLHC, a YouTube channel was set up which parishioners could access via a link from the OLHC Parish Website and allowed parishioners to view Mass in real time or at times more suitable for parishioners.
Parishioner and IT expert Kirk Duncan was responsible for the setting up of the YouTube channel and the setting up of each livestream before Mass.
Images: Frank Bugeja
Photos from the Rosemeadow Alpha course held in February and March 2020 in the Saint Joachim Hall. The Team Members and guests enjoyed a meal before gathering in front of the hall's screen to listen to an introduction by the group leader, Shirley.
This was followed by the Alpha video presentation. After this presentation, the large group split into three smaller groups to discuss the presented themes, questions from the small group leader book and share their thoughts.